5 Best And Addictive Racing Games In 2022 (iOS, Android)

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Racing is one of my favorite genres of games, playing racing games on mobile phones lets me race as fast and experience different types of vehicles in different environments virtually.

In addition, racing games are so addictive, you keep trying to win the race on every level and get a high score. Racing games can also be set up in different types of environments like land, air, water. Regardless of the environment, winning matters. Ready for the best Racing games list? Scroll down……

Best Racing Games For iOS, Android

Below you’ll find the best racing games on iOS and Android devices that we couldn’t stop playing

Gear Club

Gear Club

Gear Club developed by Eden Games Mobile is a fascinating racing game where you actually feel like you’re driving the car.

The game is designed with high-quality graphics and set in exotic locations. You can drive with fully simulated engines, powertrains, suspensions, and aerodynamics.
Multiple control schemes are supported and you can change it anytime. Gear Club takes you all the way; from purchasing your first racing car to changing and optimizing your car to make it as fast as possible.

You can admire your car details such as engines and interiors in full HD in the performance shop.  In Gear Club you can collect, upgrade and customize some of the gorgeous foreign vehicles in their performance shop using a full range of options for the cars.

Race against your friends through Events and Championships for a higher score. There are some surprises in between the levels to boost your racing. Experience true racing through Gear Club game.

Gear Club game is free to download, requires iOS 8.0 or later and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. The file-size of Gear Club is 1.62 GB. so make sure your Internet connection is stable when installing the game.

Download Gear Club Game For


Thumb Drift – Furious One Touch Car Racing

Thumb Drift Furious One Touch Car Racing Game

As the name implies Thumb Drift game – developed by SMG Studio – is all about drifting sideways and collecting coins. Slide your thumb to steer the car left or right and collect coins as you go. Though the gameplay might seems to be very challenging at first with time you’ll master the art of gliding.

With the car moving at maximum speed you need to control, drift around twisty tracks and avoid the crashes. Mastering the art of keeping the car on the road is the key to success and it is really challenging.

The coins you collect can be used to unlock new and beautiful cars. Thumb Drift game is designed with cutting edge, flat shaded, low poly graphics including an original soundtrack with 4 pumping tunes.

You get to experience over 60 fully unlicensed cars plus 6 tricky roads to explore. Get ready to master the drifting technique in this most addictive and challenging Thumb Drift game. Thumb drift is free to download.

Download Thumb Drift Furious One Touch Car Racing For

iOS    |    Android

MMX Hill Climb

MMX Hill Climb Game

If Drifting is not your thing, MMX Hill Climb game is the right game for you. MMX Hill Climb game developed by Hutch Games Ltd. features simple physics based racing mechanics. The gameplay is super simple. You start driving a screen-filling Monster Truck, racing head-to-head over spectacular jump-filled courses.

Collect coins as you go, but watch for the up hills and down hills. While uphill racing, if you accelerate more you might run out of gas or crash land and have to restart the game. Timing is all matters while racing in MMx Hill Climb game.

You get to choose from a variety of stock vehicles before upgrading engine, tires, suspension, and more to turn their ride into the popular ride. Ready to ride the monster truck in this charming and addictive MMX Hill Climb game? MMX Hill Climb is free to download.

Download MMX Hill Climb Game For

iOS   |   Android

Riptide GP: Renegade

RIptide Gp Renegade Game

Vector Unit offers the best console quality aquatic racing games like Riptide GP, Riptide GP2. Riptide GP Renegade is an action-arcade water racer that offers the players much more thrill rides than the previous games.

Instead of racing through water racing courses, the players take part in illegal races through city rivers, amusement parks, and flooded ruins.

You being armored, perform thrilling feats over massive waterfalls, avoid cops through public waterways, and boost at breakneck speeds across surging waves. Riptide GP Renegade also features breathtaking race tracks loaded with shortcuts, secrets, and interactive obstacles.

Unlock new vehicles, playable characters, and customization features in the single player mode while you defeat the bosses and build up your crew. You can race online against other players all around the world in 8-player online matches. Challenge your friends for leaderboard supremacy in the ghost-racing challenge mode.

Riptide GP Renegade requires iOS 8.0 or later and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Download Riptide GP Renegade Game For

iOS     |    Android

Pumped BMX 3

Pumped BMX 3

There are a wide range of racing games including car racing, skate racing and bike racing. Pumped BMX 3 developed by Yeah Us is based on bike racing with more thrilling rides than the previous Pumped BMX and Pumped BMX 2 games.

Pumped BMX 3 features more riders, more bikes, more stunts, more levels and more challenging stunts.

Ride through sets of jumps pulling off crazy stunts in order to complete challenges and beat high scores. You can combine 24 awesome BMX tricks with flips, spins, to gain high scores. Pumped MBX 3 is designed with 60 new levels across 6 amazing environments.

You can opt for the totally relaxed ride or try out the entirely insane ride, from the foothills and woods to the wetlands and mountains. Explore around 15 of the world’s top dirt jumpers from style gurus like Chase Hawk to tech wizards like Dennis Enarson. You can also customize your bike to your favorite pro’s signature or create your own fully custom ride. Happy Pumped BMX 3 Racing.

Download Pumped BMX 3 Game For

iOS    |    Android

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